The Osk. Huttunen Foundation

Finnish businessman Oskar Huttunen (18651955) established the Osk. Huttunen Foundation, which has been in operation since 1957. The Foundation supports Finnish culture and business through grants.

Who can apply for a grant?

The Osk. Huttunen Foundation offers grants to young Finns for the completion of doctoral studies and for postdoctoral research work at universities outside Finland.

What kind of grants does the Foundation award?

Applications for postgraduate study grants are accepted from Finnish applicants who have completed the Finnish matriculation examination and are no more than 26 years of age by the closing of the application period. Doctoral studies will primarily be completed at the oldest English universities, but other universities or research institutes outside Finland are also accepted if warranted by the research and study plan.

The Foundation’s postdoctoral grants for research work outside Finland are intended for doctoral graduates no more than 35 years of age. The Foundation serves as the main source of funding for an average of one year’s work at a university or research institute outside Finland. The Foundation does not award grants for travel outside Finland.

The Board of the Foundation

The Board of the Osk. Huttunen Foundation is chaired by Academician Risto Nieminen (Aalto University), and the deputy chair is Professor Ismo Dunderberg (University of Helsinki), who also serves as the Board member coordinating grant matters. The other members of the Board are Professor Atte von Wright (University of Eastern Finland) and Professor Tuuli Toivonen (University of Helsinki).

The Foundation representative is Timo Åvist, MTh.